James (college) edited addionally at the end.
Wish I could give 4.5 stars the app creators have truly amazed me here!!
Edit: wow Im amazed at how quickly they updated this app!!! I had thought I would have to settle for notability as my go to note taker. Now I gotta say they are basically there for me. However one thing would help is similar to notability if you could import multiple docs at the same because so many times I like to do a mass import and if I can only go one doc or pttx at a time it can be tedious. Preferably similar to notability you can import slides also exit it so it downloads them in the background would be a big help! That alone would make notability and this app right head to head. Also ability to change cover page after already having chosen a cover page for a document and change document group colors so they arent all the same color or theme when you have multiple groups of files and some themes for the whink App itself would be nice too. Adding the clock widget would be nice also. But man just add the multiple document import feature and youve got no complaints from me.
Edit: also recently after using the record tool occasionally it bugs and just stops my ability to write anything with the pen tool or erase or highlight not sure what happens this happens only when i am in record mode and it can be annoying please fix this as it definitely hurts the apps ability to be number one. Multitask support would hurt either so that the app can be exited and when you reenter you can resume from where you left off instead of having to open the same doc over and over again.
James (College) about
Whink Notes